Saturday, November 19, 2011

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

I talked with my mother, my husband and a family service worker that works with families at our head start center.

My husband's answer to the question what is your definition of culture is, family culture is like a family's heritage. I asked him what his definition of heritage is and he said it a person background and where a person comes from and where they grow up. I asked him if that incorporates beliefs and he said no that is for religion. His response to the question of diversity was diversity equals differences. 

My mother response to the question of culture was that culture represents someone's background and traditions. She described diversity as someone's ethnicity or outward appearances.  
When I ask the family service worker, she describes culture as a family's traditions, beliefs, customs, and can even involve a family's home language. She described diversity as the differences and variety among all families here (US) and around the world.

After evaluating all the answers from the people I asked, I do not think they are wrong. I think they are on the same page and have the same idea they just explain their definition of what thought culture is.
According to our book, culture refers to the way we live, what we eat, our traditions, and religious beliefs. Culture also refers to the way we raise our children (Derman-Sparks & Edwards 2010).

Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


  1. Elizabeth,
    I to choose to primarily speak with my family for these definitions. I appreciate your family's willingness to share their responses. I was pleasantly surprised at my families answers. Were you in anyway surprised by yours?

  2. Elizabeth, it seems that your family and service member are on the same page as our lesson this week. I think we should inform everyone around us about deep culture as well.

  3. Tammy
    I was surprised because they did not want to answer because they thought they would give the wrong answer.
