Saturday, November 26, 2011

Awareness of Microaggressions

A personal experience with microaggression I encounter happened between a co-worker and me. During a heated discussion about balancing work, family and school, this co-worker said to me "I did not go to college right out of high school like you did. I have to work and raise a family!" She assumed because I went to an expensive and traditional college that I completed high school and went straight to college.  I assured her that I knew the stress that is associated with completing college, raising a family and working. I was a nontraditional student while studying my undergraduate degree. I was married, had two children and worked part-time. 

After this discussion, I experienced several emotions. I felt as though I must carry myself in a way that made this co-worker think I was a traditional undergraduate student. Then I felt she only thinks that because I am white and that is the stereotype that her culture associated with young white woman who finished college.

I feel I am a very cooperative, respectful, and understanding person. I believe everyone deserve the same treatment. I respect all culture and in fact, I like to learn about other cultures. I think knowledge is power, so why would this person think this and pigeon whole me. I am not saying she is a bad person. I think I felt that way because I did not understand.

Looking back on this incident, I can how she might associate Caucasian woman and college. I think this is what she was told, what she experienced, and what her perception of young Caucasian women.

1 comment:

  1. It's unfortunate the assumptions that people make about others. I have the opposite problem. I was a young mother so people automatically assume that I didn't even graduate from high school.
