Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Supports

The people who support me on a personal level include my husband, my mother and my friend.
My Husband
My husband provides emotional support when I am having a bad day, when I am stressed, when I am happy or excited about something.  He is truly my best friend, my rock and I depend on him for almost everything emotionally. He also provides great advice and insight to any situation.
My Mother
My mother is a spiritual person who keeps my grounded. She provides me with wholesome advice that truly inspires me. She loves my children and is a wonderful grandmother. She is also an awesome mother who loves her children.
My Friend

My friend supports me in a fun-loving and true support. She tells it like it is and holds nothing back. To me that is her best quality!
On a professional level the people who support me include the Education Specialists from the Corporation I work for and the Education Coordinator from the Corporation.  
The Education Specialists
The wonderful Education Specialists provide support by attending PLC meeting and giving sound advice from their previous experiences. Jackie has been working for Head Start for 15 years. Joanne has a wealth of knowledge from her diverse experiences. She has data processing and computer program experience in addition to teaching experience.
Living without these support people in my life would be extremely difficult because that bring me balance and security. My children are very important to me and spending time with them is a must, so having a support system aids me with finding and enjoying time with my children.


  1. Elizabeth,

    I am like you, I rely on people for support. It look like you surround yourself with many great people!

  2. Elizabeth;

    It is great to have so many wonderful people that you can depend on when you really need them. I'm not ashame to admit that I need my support system to help thoughout this journey. Good Luck!

  3. Elizabeth:
    Its grat to have such beneficial support factors in your life. In completing this assignment I though to myself how could life be complete with any support factors. Thanks for the insight.
