Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Farewell and GOOD LUCK

Farewell, good Salisbury, and good luck go with thee! ~ William Shakespeare

Hi classmates, colleagues and professional friends! Thank you for reading my blog. I have enjoyed each and every one of your blogs. 

Your blogs gave me insights into your teaching world and how you have coped with issues regarding parents, staff and children. We learned a lot about diversity and culture competence in which was my favorite subject matter. 

I wish the very best for you and I know your professional and personal plan for your future will come to be. 

I am moving into the Teaching Adults in Early Childhood specialization in which I am very excited because I want to be able to teach at a community college level then hopefully move into a university teaching position. Thanks for your support and GOOD LUCK!


  1. Elizabeth, Thank you for your posts. I guess I will see you in the next few courses.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth, I have enjoyed reading your blog. I am also moving into the Teaching Adults in Early Childhood specialization.
