Saturday, September 17, 2011

Personal Research Journey

This class has helped me look a research criterion in different ways. I remember some of this information from undergraduate school, but this is the most recent information. Especially for electronic sources, this information is food know when taking an online class.  
When asked in the discussion assignment to t5hink about a topic that I want to learn more about, I knew instantly what the topic would be. The topic I would like to learn more about brain research and development. This topic has peaked my interest for some time. Brain development research has recently played an important part in the early childhood education field.
The reason I chose brain research is because I support a classroom rich in literacy, creative arts, and children work being displayed all over the classroom. I support these things because in supports brain development. The more neurons that are connected in a young child’s brain, the more successful the child is in school and life. For these reason I choose the topic of brain development and ways to support it in the classroom.
The subtopics I want to learn about include how play-based learning supports brain development in the classroom, how creative arts supports brain development among children, and ways to articulate the importance of play-based learning and how it affects brain development to parents.
A few quality resources on brain development include:
Starting Smart How Early Experiences Affect Brain Development retrieved from
Children and Brain Development: What We Know About How Children Learn retrieved from


  1. Elizabeth,

    I look forward to learning more about your research! This is an area where I do not know a lot about and after reading your blog and looking at your resources I am very intrigued!

  2. Elizabeth
    Brain development is a topic of growing interest. I considered the topic as well, but chose disproportionate suspension rates of minority kindergarteners because Indianapolis ranks so high in disproportionality. I'm curious about the reasons why. I look forward to the outcomes of your work. You and I will be learning together how to correctly use web resources for our research simulation.

    By the way, here is a resource that may be helpful.

    Horsely, K. & Ciskey,S.K.(2005, April). From neurons to king neighborhoods: Partnering to promote policies based on the science of early childhood development. Retrieved from

  3. Elizabeth,
    You seem to be very passionate about your topic and it also seems as though you will be able to utilize information directly from your own classroom, families and schools if necessary.

  4. Elizabeth,
    This is an interesting topic to do research on. My topic I chose is similar- The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Growth and Developent. As early childhood professionals, we need to be more knowledgeable about how a child develops physically, cognitive, and socially. That way we can incorporate activities in the classroom that will be helpful for the academic success of the individual child.
