Saturday, August 18, 2012

Time Well Spent

Upon entering the Master's of Science in Early Childhood studies program, I had a dream to teach adults. I still have the same dream, however, I want more.  This master's program has taught me to believe in myself and my abilities. I have learned to juggle my family, my schoolwork and my profession through trail and errors, through bumps in the road and with complete success. I remember doing the same type of juggling while I was in my undergraduate program but the Walden program really stretched me. I will say I will miss the Walden University family that has come apart of my life. Additionally, I have decided to pursue a graduate certificate in special education from Walden University (of course nowhere else would do!).

Academically I learned how to incorporate a diverse curriculum and put parents in charge of their children's education. My mission is to empower, enlighten and educate families. I want them to be advocates for their children. I learned adults develop and learn almost like children and a great adult educator needs to accommodate to the needs of his/her students. 

Furthermore, during my capstone research project, I dreamed up the Open Hearts Child Development Center for children with special needs. The mission of Open Hearts Child Development Center is to create a place where children, parents and families can come and feel safe, wanted and embraced with no judgments or preconceived notions while receiving developmentally appropriate education. This is a dream that I want to come to reality. 

So esteemed classmates, professors and friends, I bid you farewell and good luck! Thank you for everything. I have learned so much that I will carry you with me forever.
“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud --- the obstacles of life and its suffering. ... The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. ... Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ”
-Goldie Hawn

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The three international organizations I chose are United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Save The Children, and International Step By Step Association. 

First, I chose the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) because of their vision of early childhood and the importance of getting the right start. UNICEF stated, "Every child must be ensured the best start in life – their future, and indeed the future of their communities, nations and the whole world depends on it" (n.d.). Additionally, this organization works diligently eradicate HIV in children and educate mother on mother-to-child transmission (UNICEF n.d.). 

Secondly, the organization Save The Children works to protect children from unexpected emergencies, child trafficking, "abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence in all regions of the world" (2011). I feel drawn to this organization because I believe these issues relate to my capstone research project. For example, Save the Children states "Extreme poverty can often make it difficult to give children the nurturing they desperately need — especially those with disabilities or illness. Save the Children has found that the best way to protect children is to keep them with their families. And to help caregivers provide them with the right attention and services" (2011).

Thirdly, the International Step By Step Association works to improve the quality of early childhood programs. Additionally, the International Step By Step Association offers professional development services to ECE professionals. For example, "providing resources, technical assistance, and training in ECD, in a variety of areas including creating child-centered, interactive, and inclusive environments in preschool and primary classrooms" (n.d).

I also research job opportunities in my area (NC) and found:

Special Education Teacher: Join and assist with this amazing new start-up and beginning. In the nearing weeks, Strategic Behavioral Center will open a new state-of-the-art 72-bed (92-beds pending approval) adolescent treatment facility in Garner, NC (just outside of Raleigh). SBC is seeking a highly motivated and compassionate Special Education Teacher.  Newly licensed or graduates in special education are welcome to apply. The skills requried for this position is obtaining my license in NC.

Center Director - Child Care: Our organization prides itself on excellence, putting the education and development of our children first and foremost. When you consider a career at Learning Care Group, know you will be joining a team that is passionate about thoroughly preparing their students for all the challenges that lie ahead. In a Director, we look for committed individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, while effectively and efficiently running all School operations. I think I have all the necessary skills to perform the duties of this position.

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from