Sunday, March 27, 2011

Poverty among children:

In recent years, about one in five American children—some 12 to 14 million—have lived in families in which cash income failed to exceed official poverty thresholds. Income poverty is the condition of not having enough income to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Because children are dependent on others, they enter or avoid poverty by virtue of their family’s economic circumstances. Children cannot alter family conditions by themselves, at least until they approach adulthood.
I have been a product of poverty. My parents had six children to cloth and feed. However, we were happy and healthy. Fortunately, my parents took us to the doctors on a regular basis and we were showered with love. There were times we did not have enough to eat.
In addition, I work in a head start program and there are children enrolled that do not have enough to eat. We are offer healthy meals and give seconds to help combat this issue. In addition, our family service office offers referrals to family we may need food and clothing.
Compared with nonpoor children, poor children in the United States experience diminished physical health as measured by a number of indicators of health status and outcomes. Children living below the poverty threshold are 1.3 times as likely as nonpoor children to experience learning disabilities and developmental delays. Educational attainment is well recognized as a powerful predictor of experiences in later life. A comprehensive review of the relationship between parental income and school attainment, published in 1994, concluded that poverty limited school achievement but that the effect of income on the number of school years completed was small. In general, the studies suggested that a 10% increase in family income is associated with a 0.2% to 2% increase in the number of school years completed.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Importance and Benefits Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial acts a mother can do for her child.  Striking health benefits have been proven to pass from mother to child through breast milk.  For example, antibodies, which protect an infant at birth and the nutrients in mother's milk, have been shown to prevent a number of childhood diseases.
Other Health Benefits to Babies Who Breastfeed include:
ü  Children have fewer incidences of vomiting and diarrhea in the US (20-35 million episodes of diarrhea occur in children under the age of 5, resulting in over 200,000 hospitalizations and 400-500 deaths in the U.S.)
ü  Protection against gastroenteritis, necrotizing entercolitis
ü  Reduced risk of chronic constipation, colic, and other stomach upsets
ü  Reduced risk of childhood diabetes
ü  Protection against ear infections, respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney infections, septicemia (blood poisoning)
ü  Reduced risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) Statistics reveal that for every 87 deaths from SIDS, only 3 are breastfed.
Health Benefits to Moms Who Breastfeed

ü  Reduced risk of breast, ovarian, cervical, and endometrial cancers
ü  Reduced risk of anemia
ü  Protection against osteoporosis and hip fracture later in life
ü  Reduced risk of mortality for women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been associated with total time of lactation
ü  Helps the mother's body return to its pre-pregnancy state faster - promotes weight loss...1/2 of calories needed to manufacture milk is pulled from fat stores... can burn from 500 - 1,500 calories per day.
ü  Helps delay return of fertility and to space subsequent pregnancies
ü  Develops a special emotional relationship and bonding with her child
Breastfeeding also reduces the cost of healthcare by promoting healthier children and mothers..........If all WIC babies in the U.S. were breastfed, our economical savings would be $33,000,000 per month ..........In 1993, 90,000 babies were hospitalized for RSV at a cost of 450 million dollars. Currently, the U.S. spends over 1 billion dollars a year on Otitis Media (ear infections)
Information gathered from:, points out that "Fathers, partners, and other people in the mother’s support system can benefit from breastfeeding, too. Not only are there no bottles to prepare, but many people feel warmth, love, and relaxation just from sitting next to a mother and baby during breastfeeding" (online 3/10/11).
Breastfeeding is universal. None of us would be here without our mothers before us had not breastfeed.

Breastfeeding in Cuba

Cuba's constitution has contained a provision officially recognizing and supporting breastfeeding. Article 68 of the 1975 constitution reads, in part: During the six weeks immediately preceding childbirth and the six weeks following, a woman shall enjoy obligatory vacation from work on pay at the same rate, retaining her employment and all the rights pertaining to such employment and to her labour contract. During the nursing period, two extraordinary daily rest periods of a half hour each shall be allowed her to feed her child.

What it means to Me:

I think breastfeeding is beneficial to the child and the mother and needs to be supported. From personal experiences, I have seen how negative remarks and banter can hurt a new mother and make her question whether or not she is doing the right thing.  My mother-in-law thought it was preposterous that I breastfed my children and was always making remarks, such as "I don't think you are producing enough milk" or I don't think it's fair to breastfeed because you are leaving the dad out and you are always with the baby". She did not breastfeed her children and she was not educated to the benefits of breastfeeding.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Childbirth––In My Life and Around the World

I have given birth to three boys. The labors and deliveries were different. All my births occurred in a hospital. My first labor started with my water breaking and it was 10 hours long. I was 37 weeks pregnant and he weighted 8 lbs. 0 oz. and was 19 inches long. My second child was born in four hours and the doctor had to break my water. I was 38 weeks along and he weighted 7 lbs. 11 oz. and 17 inches long. My third child was born in 2 hours. We checked in to the hospital at 2:18pm and he was born at 2:48pm! I am thankful that we did not stay home any longer than we did. I was 38 1/2 weeks pregnant. He weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 inches long. By far my third labor and delivery was more traumatic than the other two. It happened so fast and I was very scared.  My husband was a great partner during the labor and delivery process! We have three wonderful boys that we love VERY much.
I think that after birth mom needs to be sure to take of herself because if mom is not able to take care of the baby then that will affect the newborn. Development domains start forming the moment a child is born.
I researched Italy's child birthing practices and found out that Italians have free state-run health care.  Childbirth in Italy usually takes place in a hospital, where a stay of three days is normal, although it can be longer if complications arise. Maternity wards usually have two or three beds; mothers must provide clothing and accessories for their babies, although medical supplies are provided. A gynecologist, an obstetrician, a nurse and a medical specialist who looks after babies during the first four weeks (neonatologo) supervise childbirth. Husbands usually attend births; although mothers can ask for any relative to do so. Italian women do not generally give birth at home and if you want to do so, you must arrange (and pay) for a private obstetrician to attend the delivery.
 The birthing experiences in the US and Italy are very similar.  The main difference is we do not have access to free state-run health care.  In addition, we do not have a medical specialist who looks after babies during the first four weeks (neonatologo).